Reagents to study Wnt signaling can be obtained from several distributors or commercial vendors. In cases where reagents are not available, we would be happy to help , but otherwise we refer you to distributors. We have no commercial interests in those distributors or vendors, but they are professionals, can provide you with products of guaranteed quality and with the necessary background information. Reagents like purified Wnt proteins, antibodies to Wnts or to b-catenin, TOPflash reporter constructs and Wnt expression constructs can be obtained from commercial sources (R&D systems, Abcam, Cell Signaling, Upstate, or Transduction Laboratories) and easily traced by a websearch. The Wnt homepage does not include advertisements for commercial products or direct links to vendor catalogues.
This page is frequently updated. If you find anything that is published and missing on this site, alert me. If cannot find information you are looking for, then it is most likely unavailable. Specifically, beyond the Wnt-producing cells that are listed, there are no other ones available. We are trying to express other Wnts, with various degrees of success, but more work needs to be done before these are useful. Note that reagents not made in our own lab should be requested from the original sources. This is common practice in the Biomedical research community and avoids propriety issues.