natural allele
Phenotype of Knockouts or other functions
- Wnt1
- (previously called int-1)
- swaying
- Thomas, 1991
- Wnt2
- (previously called irp)
Wnt2b/13 |
Wnt3 |
Wnt3a |
- vestigial
- tail Greco 1996
- somites, tailbud defects (Takada, 1994 Greco 1996 Yoshikawa Y, 1997 ) through loss expression Brachyury (Yamaguchi et al, 1999) This is mediated by Lef-1 (Galceran, 2001)
- deficiency in neural crest derivatives, reduction in dorsolateral neural precursors in the neural tube together with Wnt-1 KO Ikeya M, et al.
- Loss hippocampus (Lee et al, 2000)
- Segmentation oscillation clock (Aulehla 2003)
- Left right asymmetry (Nakaya 2005)
- HSC self-renewal defect (Luis, 2008)
- Hindgut extension, Colon formation (Garriock et al, 2020)
Wnt4 |
Wnt5a |
- truncated limbs, truncated AP axis, reduced number proliferating cells Yamaguchi 1999
- Distal lung morphogenesis (Li, 2002)
- Chondrocyte differentiation, longitudinal skeletal outgrowth (Yang, 2003)
- Inhibits B cell proliferation and functions as a tumor suppressor (Liang 2003)
- Defects in posterior growth of the female reproductuve tract (Mericskay et al, 2004)
- shortened and widened cochlea (planar polarity) Qian 2007
- Mammary gland phenotype (Roarty, 2007)
- prostate gland development Huang 2009
- intestinal elongation Cervantes, 2009
- endothelial differentiation of ES cells Yang, 2009
- Post-mitotic Filopodial Pathfinding (Wang et al, 2018)
Wnt5b |
Wnt6 |
Wnt7a |
- postaxial hemimelia
- Parr 1998
- limb polarity (Parr 1995)
- female infertility; failure regression of the Mullerian duct because the receptor for Mullerian-inhibiting substance is not expressed. Parr 1998
- maintenance appropriate uterine patterning during the development of the mouse female reproductive tract (Miller 1998)
- Delayed maturation synapses in Cerebellum (Hall, 2000)
- High levels cell death in response to DES in the Female Reproductive Tract (Carta L, Sassoon D, 2004)
- May promote neuronal differentiation (Hirabayashi 2004)
- CNS vasculature (with Wnt7b, Stenman 2008)
Wnt7b |
Wnt8a |
Wnt8b |
- Â Loss of function mutant: no effect on neural development, but changes in gene expression. (Fotaki, 2009)
Wnt9a(prev. Wnt14) |
Wnt9b(prev. Wnt15) |
Wnt10a |
Wnt10b |
Wnt11 |
Wnt16 |